Blue and White Porcelain

“I find it harder and harder every day to live up to my blue china.” -Oscar Wilde


Every home could use a little blue and white porcelain. The classics are hard to get wrong because they always look great, and blue and white porcelain is the little black dress of accessories. In a neutral space, it adds a perfect touch of understated color. In a space that is already rich with color, blue and white porcelain almost acts as a neutral, blending in to what’s already there.

architectural digestbombay companyproduct snobthe enchanted homethe enchanted home2verandaveranda2



The best part is, if you’re someone who likes to stay away from trends, traces of the first Chinese blue and white porcelain from the Tang Dynasty date back as early as the 9th century. We’d say this gorgeous porcelain is here to stay!



Images: 1. via pagodared 2. via architectural digest 3.  (featured image) via Bombay company 4. via product snob 5+6. via the enchanted home 7+8. via veranda